About HYEST™

The premier molecular hydrogen-based vitamin company in the world.


HYEST Products, LLC is a hydrogen-focused supplement and cosmetic manufacturer based in the United States. Our products are carefully designed to maximize therapeutic outcomes for our customers, family and friends. We work with and consult with some of the brightest scientific minds in the world and formulate each product to meet the unique needs of each individual seeking to achieve maximum results.

Our patented technology was created by three PhDs with multiple active patents and are some of the foremost authorities on hydrogen technology in the world. This groundbreaking and completely unique technology can be utilized both as a nutritional supplement and a cosmetic product enhancement to promote natural healing through hydrogen's natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects.

We are so thankful for the tremendous support that we have received in the supplement community and look forward to helping each of you achieve your goals as it relates to overall health and wellness through the use of molecular hydrogen!

HYEST™ Products

HYEST™ Energy and Focus

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HYEST™ Immunity

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HYEST™ Relief

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The Benefits of Hydrogen

Hydrogen positively influences detoxification pathways, brain health, healthy aging and longevity.
If further influences post exercise recovery while have an exercise mimicking effect on the body.
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